art of cigar smoking
The Art of Cigar Smoking: Etiquette and Rituals
By Hitesh Shekhat - 8 months ago


A. The cultural significance of cigar smoking

Cigar smoking is a centuries-old tradition that has been enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It is a cultural activity that is often associated with luxury, relaxation, and camaraderie.

Cigar smoking is also a popular pastime among business professionals and politicians. It is seen as a way to network and build relationships.

B. The art of cigar smoking: A brief overview

The art of cigar smoking is more than just simply lighting up and smoking. It is a complex and nuanced experience that involves a variety of factors, including the selection of the right cigar, the cutting and lighting process, the proper way to hold and smoke the cigar, and the etiquette of cigar smoking in social settings.

The Basics of Cigar Smoking Etiquette

A. Selecting the right cigar

The first step in cigar smoking etiquette is to select the right cigar. There are many different types of cigars available, so it is important to choose one that is appropriate for the occasion and your personal preferences.

If you are new to cigar smoking, it is a good idea to ask a knowledgeable cigar retailer for help in selecting the right cigar. They can help you choose a cigar that is the right size, strength, and flavor profile for you.

B. Cutting the cigar

Once you have selected your cigar, it is important to cut it properly. A sharp cigar cutter should be used to make a clean cut at the cap of the cigar.

Be careful not to overcut the cigar, as this can damage the filler and ruin the smoking experience.

C. Lighting the cigar

A wooden match or cedar lighter should be used to light the cigar. Hold the flame to the foot of the cigar and rotate it slowly until the end is evenly lit.

Once the cigar is lit, gently puff on it to get it started.

D. Proper way to hold and smoke a cigar

The proper way to hold a cigar is between the thumb and index finger, with the rest of the fingers curled underneath.

To smoke the cigar, take slow, gentle puffs. Avoid inhaling the smoke, as this can make you sick.

E. Avoiding inhaling

Cigar smoke is not meant to be inhaled. Inhaling cigar smoke can cause nausea, dizziness, and other health problems.

To avoid inhaling, take slow, gentle puffs and exhale through the mouth.

F. Handling ash and relights

The ash should be allowed to accumulate on the end of the cigar until it falls off on its own. Tap the cigar gently on an ashtray to remove the ash.

If the cigar goes out, simply relight it using the same method as when you first lit it.

G. Setting the pace

Cigar smoking is a leisurely activity. There is no need to rush. Take your time and savor the experience.

Cigar Smoking Rituals

Cigar smoking rituals are a way to enhance the enjoyment of the experience. There are many different types of cigar smoking rituals, but some of the most common include:

A. Celebratory occasions

Cigar smoking is often associated with celebratory occasions, such as birthdays, weddings, and graduations.

Smoking a cigar with friends and family on a special occasion can be a memorable and enjoyable experience.

B. Business and networking

Cigar smoking is also popular among business professionals and politicians. It is seen as a way to network and build relationships.

Sharing a cigar with a colleague or client can help to create a sense of camaraderie and trust.

C. Relaxation and contemplation

Cigar smoking can also be a relaxing and contemplative activity. It can be a great way to unwind after a long day or to clear your head.

Lighting up a cigar and taking some time to yourself to relax and reflect can be a very enjoyable experience.

D. Traditional and cultural rituals

There are also many traditional and cultural rituals associated with cigar smoking. For example, in some cultures, cigar smoking is seen as a rite of passage for young men.

Cigar Etiquette in Social Settings

A. Smoking in public spaces

When smoking cigars in public spaces, it is important to be respectful of others.

Here are some tips for cigar smoking etiquette in public spaces:

  • Avoid smoking in areas where people are eating. Cigar smoke can be unpleasant for people who are not smoking, so it is best to smoke away from dining areas.
  • Avoid smoking in areas where there are a lot of people. Cigar smoke can be overwhelming in crowded areas, so it is best to smoke in less crowded areas, such as outdoor patios or designated smoking areas.
  • Be mindful of the wind direction. Avoid smoking in the direction of people or buildings that may be affected by the smoke.
  • Dispose of your ashes and cigar butts properly. Do not litter.

B. Cigar lounges and clubs

Cigar lounges and clubs are great places to enjoy a cigar with other cigar enthusiasts. These establishments typically have excellent ventilation systems and a variety of amenities, such as comfortable seating, humidors, and cutters and lighters.

When visiting a cigar lounge or club, it is important to be respectful of the other patrons and the staff. Here are some tips for cigar smoking etiquette in cigar lounges and clubs:

  • Be mindful of your smoke. Avoid smoking in the direction of other patrons or staff members.
  • Use the ashtrays provided. Do not litter.
  • Be respectful of the furniture and other amenities. Do not place your cigar on the furniture or leave any ashes or cigar butts behind.
  • Be quiet and respectful of other patrons. Cigar lounges and clubs are typically meant to be relaxing and enjoyable environments, so try to keep your voice down and avoid creating a disturbance.

C. Cigar events and gatherings

Cigar events and gatherings are a great way to meet other cigar enthusiasts and learn more about the hobby. These events typically feature a variety of activities, such as cigar tastings, pairings, and social networking opportunities.

When attending a cigar event or gathering, it is important to be respectful of the organizers and other attendees. Here are some tips for cigar smoking etiquette at cigar events and gatherings:

  • Follow the organizer’s instructions. If there are any specific rules or guidelines for the event, be sure to follow them.
  • Be mindful of your smoke. Avoid smoking in the direction of other attendees or organizers.
  • Use the ashtrays provided. Do not litter.
  • Be respectful of the furniture and other amenities. Do not place your cigar on the furniture or leave any ashes or cigar butts behind.
  • Be quiet and respectful of other attendees. Cigar events and gatherings are typically meant to be relaxing and enjoyable environments, so try to keep your voice down and avoid creating a disturbance.

D. Gifting cigars

Gifting cigars is a thoughtful gesture that is sure to be appreciated by any cigar enthusiast. When gifting cigars, it is important to choose cigars that are appropriate for the recipient’s personal preferences.

If you are not sure what type of cigars to get, it is always a good idea to ask a knowledgeable cigar retailer for help.

Here are some tips for cigar smoking etiquette when gifting cigars:

  • Choose cigars that are appropriate for the recipient’s personal preferences. If you know what type of cigars the recipient enjoys, great! If not, ask a knowledgeable cigar retailer for help.
  • Present the cigars in a gift box or other decorative packaging. This will make the gift more special and thoughtful.
  • Include a handwritten note with the gift. This is a nice way to personalize the gift and express your appreciation.


Cigar smoking is a complex and nuanced experience that involves a variety of factors, including the selection of the right cigar, the cutting and lighting process, the proper way to hold and smoke the cigar, and the etiquette of cigar smoking in social settings.

By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can ensure that you enjoy your cigars in a respectful and considerate manner.