A Place where you can relax and experience a premium cigar and drink
Karma Cigar Bar was founded by cigar lovers for cigar lovers.
Dhiren Shah, owner, and founder started this business after coming over from India with his family. His love for cigars paved the journey to create a shop offering great cigars that are priced very competitively. Through thoughtful consideration for his customers and customer experience, he expanded and built Karma Cigar Bar which offers a full-service cigar, bar, and food offering for all his customers.
At Karma Cigar Bar, we build our relationships with our guest with utmost care. With the largest selection of cigars in all of Indiana. Our cigar selection spans a 100 sq ft walk-in humidor and approximately 85+ feet of humidified wall and floor display cabinets. That allows us to display over 1,800 facings of today’s best premium cigars. We believe that smoking a cigar is an experience, an experience enhanced by a large selection of cigars and top-notch accessories (humidors, cigar cutters, lighters).
We work closely with some of the biggest names in the premium cigar industry such as Xikar, Arturo Fuente, Ashton, Avo, Camacho, Acid, Montecristo, Romeo Y Julieta, Macanudo, Cohiba, Padron, Avo, Zino Platinum, Drew Estates, La Flor Dominicana, Casa Magna, San Cristobal, La Aroma De Cuba, La Palina, Punch, CAO, Torano Family, Alec Bradley, La Gloria Cubana, Rocky Patel, Gurkha, Perdomo, La Aurora, Room 101, Viaje, CLE , EPC, Asylum, among other top-notch brands. From retailing their outstanding cigars and accessories to promoting their in-store events. We hold our self to a high standard and provide our guests with the highest quality of customer service.
We hope to see you soon.
- Provide the best service
- Experienced Bartenders
- Awesome dishes
- Drinks with unique flavor
- Pocker play zone
- Rich diversity of liquor collections