March Karma Event ||| Davidoff Cigar Flavor Experience
March 22nd, 2019 (6PM – 8PM)
Region Focus: Dominican Republic
Participants will enjoy an interactive journey of exploration, adventure, and discovery through the art and craftsmanship of creating the flavor, aroma, complexity, and consistency found in the world famous Davidoff Dominican cigars.
This seminar will provide a hands-on experience demonstrating the influence of the wrapper leaf on the taste perception of the cigar, and how differing tobaccos within a given blend are skillfully brought together to create a complete and perfectly balanced stimulation of the palate.
Timeline: Approximately 1 Hour, 15 minutes (w/ pairing)
Maximum Attendees: 30
Limited spots available! Reserve yours today!
Content Modules: A Weave Of––
- Origins of flavor: the relationship of soil & seed
- Seed types and strength areas of the plant
- Davidoff philosophy of consistency and how this is achieved
- The ‘spice rack’
- The art of blending and tasting
- Pairing to spirits
- 5-cigar ‘kelner style’ tasting exercise
- Cylinders 1-3 || Each made up of one of the three filler tobaccos included in the ‘complete’ cigar blend.
- Cigar 4 || The complete cigar.
- Cutting Experiment || Demonstrates, through types of cut, the effect the size of the opening will have on the complete or incomplete stimulation of the palate
- Whiskey Pairing || To the ‘Complete’ cigar…whiskey and cigar pairing commentary by the Davidoff Ambassador.
- Cigar 5 || Uses a ‘mystery’ wrapper on the ‘complete’ cigar base blend, to dramatically demonstrate the influence of the wrapper on a given blend.
Limited spots available! Reserve yours today!